Sunday, July 28, 2013

cutting the comfortable and familiar.

   Wow, do you ever read something you wrote months ago and wonder where in the world that person went? I'm still the girl with a million dreams but actually reaching for them, not so much. I am going to try to keep posting and more often, like daily but rather than posting dreams I think I'm going to share my thoughts maybe find a quote that sums them up to share. Hopefully by doing this it will push me to being more like that girl who posted the first two times!

                                                 "You can never be happy
                                                   if you're always afraid
                                                   to let go of what's comfortable,
                                                   familiar. Sometimes, those are 
                                                   the things that hurt us."

   This is something I have been struggling with a lot lately. I get so comfortable in where I am that, even if I'm not happy with it, I become to scared to try something new. Almost like my mind keeps telling me that being bored out of your mind and not growing any further is safer than taking a chance only to try and fail. Or worse taking the chance and being completely rejected and shot down. But is being stuck somewhere any better than going through trials? At least experiencing heartache and hardships force you to grow, become a better person. Staying in comfort you stop experiencing and testing how strong you are. Every trial you start out thinking "I can't do this! There is no way I can get through this!" but you put one foot in front of the other and a year later you look back and realize how much you've grown, the person you've become and the strength you have to face what is set in front of you. 
   I'm not writing this blog in anyway to complain. The life I'm living right now is the one I chose. The one of comfortable routines, with nothing to push me. And I guess in a way this little writing does tell about a dream of mine. One I hope to reach here within a few months. The dream of stepping outside of my "known", letting go of my comfortable and familiar. It may be scary but I need something to push me forward, something to prove that I am stronger than I think I am. Whether the trial be a good or tough one to face, I hope to face it soon. I dream of growing and reaching the best possible me I can be and of cutting the comfortable and familiar from my life! 

1 comment:

  1. Not all the comfortable and familiar though. Haha. Great post and I feel this way a lot too! Sometimes it is so hard to take that first step.
