Wednesday, July 31, 2013

everyone leaves their mark

"If only you could sense how important you are 
to the lives of those you meet;
how important you can be to people you never even
dream of. 
There is something of yourself that you leave
at every meeting with another person"
-Fred Rogers

  Have you ever met someone, and talk to them for only a minute, but that minute changes your whole day? It's amazing the influence you can have in such a small amount of time. I guess I always get nervous and wonder what the person thought of me (so silly, I know) but I never really stop to think of the impression I left. I tend to find myself more worried about if they thought I was weird or awkward. It's crazy to think about all of the people you've ever met. You made an impression on every single one of them. Some people you have have left an impression on them that will only last a day, maybe even a few minutes, but that impression could change their attitude about their day. Other people let your impression influence them through out their life. They could remember the attitude you chose to have about something and use that example as something to strive for. 
  I'm so thankful for all the people who I have had the pleasure to meet. Everyone comes into our lives for a reason. Every person I meet helps me become more of the person I am meant to be! I'm feeling so blessed for those people who have made a lasting impression on me. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Take the Leap!

               "If we wait until we're READY, 
           we'll be waiting for 
         the Rest of Our LIVES!"
     -Lemony Snicket-

     This post kind of goes a long with the last one. I suppose it's something that has been hitting me pretty hard lately. There are so many things I want to do in my life like travel the world, go to grad school, get married, have a family, but I make excuses to keep me from doing those things. I don't have the money, I'm not smart enough to compete with others in school, I'm not ready to open up to someone and take the chance of getting hurt again, not yet anyway. I convince myself that I'm not ready for the next step. I need more time to prepare, to make more money, to heal. The next step in life will always be scary. We will never be "ready" for it. At some point in time you just have to take that first leap. Don't wait until you're ready, or you will grow old and will have done nothing you dreamed of doing. 

Monday, July 29, 2013


                                                        "The trouble is                                                                                                                                        you think you 
                                                               have time"

 This is another quote that I need to keep in mind always and start to live by. I like to believe that I'm not the only one who thinks about doing something and then tell myself, "I'll do it tomorrow. I can get that done later". The problem with our thinking this way is, time is not our friend. It doesn't wait for us because we ask it to, it doesn't give you a heads up as to when something is going to happen. If there is anything I've learned so far in my life, it's that things happen very unexpectedly and you never know how much actual time you have. We often put things off "just until tomorrow". Not to be negative and please don't think this is a negative way of looking at life, but what if you don't get a tomorrow?
   My point is, we need to start living every single day. Do things you have always wanted to do. Stop putting things off until tomorrow. Enjoy every second of life, and find the joy even when life seems dark. Search for the stars in the darkness for although they do not provide the brightest light, they show beauty and wonder beyond our understanding. Love the life you are blessed to have!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

cutting the comfortable and familiar.

   Wow, do you ever read something you wrote months ago and wonder where in the world that person went? I'm still the girl with a million dreams but actually reaching for them, not so much. I am going to try to keep posting and more often, like daily but rather than posting dreams I think I'm going to share my thoughts maybe find a quote that sums them up to share. Hopefully by doing this it will push me to being more like that girl who posted the first two times!

                                                 "You can never be happy
                                                   if you're always afraid
                                                   to let go of what's comfortable,
                                                   familiar. Sometimes, those are 
                                                   the things that hurt us."

   This is something I have been struggling with a lot lately. I get so comfortable in where I am that, even if I'm not happy with it, I become to scared to try something new. Almost like my mind keeps telling me that being bored out of your mind and not growing any further is safer than taking a chance only to try and fail. Or worse taking the chance and being completely rejected and shot down. But is being stuck somewhere any better than going through trials? At least experiencing heartache and hardships force you to grow, become a better person. Staying in comfort you stop experiencing and testing how strong you are. Every trial you start out thinking "I can't do this! There is no way I can get through this!" but you put one foot in front of the other and a year later you look back and realize how much you've grown, the person you've become and the strength you have to face what is set in front of you. 
   I'm not writing this blog in anyway to complain. The life I'm living right now is the one I chose. The one of comfortable routines, with nothing to push me. And I guess in a way this little writing does tell about a dream of mine. One I hope to reach here within a few months. The dream of stepping outside of my "known", letting go of my comfortable and familiar. It may be scary but I need something to push me forward, something to prove that I am stronger than I think I am. Whether the trial be a good or tough one to face, I hope to face it soon. I dream of growing and reaching the best possible me I can be and of cutting the comfortable and familiar from my life!